Monday 26 May 2014

My opinion

My experience with the blog has been good enough, though some things have cost me a bit. I believe that it is a new tool to work, since we had never done it. We work the oral, written expression, the creativity, etc. I think that many of the tasks that send us would have to be hereby. I do not have many bad things that to say, because since we have started this year using the blog it is normal that many things us have turned out to be difficult. Also thanks to the blog we have learned to utilitzar new programs as the dipity and more.

My Timeline

Sunday 6 April 2014

The village of Montblanc was being terrorized by a dragon. The beast had been installed just outside the village , infecting the air and water with their foul breath and causing havoc among the cattle. In their search for food , are increasingly approaching the walls , so that the neighbors had to find a way to keep it away . They began by feeding sheep ; when they ran out , followed with oxen and then horses. And finally had no choice but to sacrifice the inhabitants themselves. All names are put in a pot , also the king , and his daughter the princess, and every day an innocent hand decided who would die the next morning. And one evening the princess was chosen .
The day chosen the young man left the walls and went to his sad fate .
When the terrible dragon toward her , a beautiful dress of white knight on a white horse emerged from the mist . Everyone looked shocked as that knight killed the fearsome dragon . The princess, after that act of courage became enamored knight . One day the princess went for a walk through the beautiful gardens of the palace and found the gentleman sitting on a bench.
He came over and talked for a while. Saint George said to the princess who was in love with her. From that day, Saint George and the Princess began a beautiful relationship . But one day when the king walked through the gardens discovered something shaped box behind a bench. Opening it , he discovered a lot of money and a mobile phone with a tag name and number 004 . Decided to investigate on their own and discovered that Saint George was a police officer infiltrated Montblanc to uncover some potential murderers . The princess could not believe that but finally decided to talk to Saint George . He confessed everything . The princess felt betrayed and deceived and did not talk more with Saint George .

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

It's a movie called Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, shot in USA in 2007.
 Paramount Pictures is the producer and director is Tim Burton. Many actors and actresses known as Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron Cohen, Christopher Lee, Jamie Campbell Bowen, Jayne Wisener, Laura Michelle Kell and Ed Sanders displayed.
Benjamin Barrer ( Played by Johnny Depp) , a man unjustly imprisoned 15 years on the other side of the world, escapes and returns to London with promises of revenge , with his obsessively devoted accomplice Mrs. Nellie Lovett ( Helena Bonham Performed by Carter ) .
 Adopting the guise of Sweeney Todd , Barker returns to his old barber shop above local meat pies Mrs. Lovett, and sets his sights on Judge Turpin , with the help of his nefarious henchman Beadle Bamford, sent him away with a false accusation so they can steal his wife , Lucy, and their baby daughter. Mrs. Lovett tells Todd that his wife committed suicide with poison after Judge Turpin took advantage of it. But when a rival barber, the flamboyant Italian Pirelli threatens to uncover the true identity of Sweeney Todd kills him by cutting his throat. Not knowing what to do with the body , Mrs. Lovett sees this situation as a potential solution for their ailing business and suggests using human flesh for filling their meat pies …